Let's dream a bit: Welcome to your favorite Place to escape from Reality and dive into a creative tropical Paradise!

Imagine you have just arrived at your favorite creative Resort - Digidesignresort -, you put your luggage into your room and you leave it to explore the Resort for the first time.
To get into the right mood let me invite you to join a creative class, so you can see what you can expect from Digidesignresort. We will sit down together and wether grab our iPad and start exploring Procreate, Affinity Designer for Vector Art or Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator. Get inspired!
And, honestly, that's not so difficult in a tropical environment, is it?
You can join one class or single workshops, that's totally up to you. You can find them all here. (Have I mentioned: it's free?)
Let's relax and start our journey together with an escape from reality! 

How does that sound?
If you are not yet ready for a workshop let's keep exploring Digidesignresort! The next thing you stumble over is....

The Library

I love libraries and have been there every week when I was a child. That's why I build "The Library" for you at Digidesignresort to join that feeling of peace and relaxation I always felt at this place. You can get in, too - it's also free.
If you sign up for my Newsletter you'll receive a password and then you can enter it!
Wanna join me sitting between books and audio cassettes (literally speaking) while putting your nose into all the downloadable files there?

No worries, there is no catch at all! The only thing you need to do is: Sign up for my Newsletter.
Once done you get a password for The Library (that's where you find all the material for the workshops, fun games, printable for your home and gifts for your loved ones. 

Have you joined? Great! Now you can sit down and participate in my workshops and download all the material from the Library.Don't forget - there is not only the material for the workshops inside The Library. There are also lots of printable for your fun and if you need to keep your kids entertained (speaking of games here)!
So that are the first steps. But maybe - you want more?

Then make your Passion your Profession!

You want more? Well, go for it! Here at Digidesignresort I teach you since 2009 how to become a designer and sell printables of all kind. Maybe you want to join the Safari Lounge Designer Classes? It's the same style: We sit together together and you learn what you need to know while sitting in front of your computer or tablet.
You will learn to turn your designs into digital and physical products for yourself, as gifts or to build your own business!

It's FREE for 7 days - so join me and cancel any time, there is no risk, you can do it yourself right from the dashboard!

Safari Lounge Designer Classes

Learn everything you need to know to become a successful Designer. Let's create printable products for sale and plan your business together, it's all there, personal coaching included!

I know there is a lot you can do here! The most important thing though is to relax and enjoy being creative.

If you have any problems, questions or suggestions - let me know, I'm just an email away! Leave me a message here.

Looking forward to meet you!

With lots of Love,