8 Time-Saving Tips for Social Media (Especially Instagram) for Artists

Have you ever found yourself staring at your phone, pondering what to post on Instagram to showcase your artistry? The path to success on social media as a creative entrepreneur involves creating engaging posts that tell the story of who you are as an artist. The challenge often lies in determining what to post. To help you navigate this, I've curated a guide filled with my favorite content ideas to aid in growing your Instagram presence. Now, I just have to do it myself. More often than not I just forget about social media - although I definitely should not because it has the power to get the right customers to your products. Good New Year's Resolution, don't you think?

However, I put together a guide we can stick to. Hopefully this is as helpful for you as it is for me.

Crafting Your Social Media Strategy

Before delving into content ideas, let's take a moment to discuss the strategy behind your social media content. Your content is the linchpin of your social media presence; thus, being intentional with the photos, videos, and captions you create is paramount. Your content should accomplish three main objectives:

  1. Encourage Engagement: Drive audience engagement through likes, shares, comments, and saves. Engagement is the bedrock of growth on Instagram, making it a crucial component of your content strategy.
  2. Showcase Your Work in the Best Possible Way: Present your work in a professional and aspirational manner, elevating your brand and captivating your audience.
  3. Provide Value: Consistently offer value to your audience by aligning your posts with their interests and expectations.
  4. Last but not least get in touch with others. I often scroll through my feed and answer questions other people have for other artists - of course never by pointing to my own stuff but encouraging them to check out the other artist's stuff. After all it is her potential customer so yes, I want to get attention but never "steal" someone who is interested in the other artist's content.

Creating an effective social media strategy involves more intricate details. For a comprehensive guide on how to craft a strategy and grow on Instagram, consider enrolling in the Safari Lounge Designer Classes.

Now, let's dive into the 8 different content ideas tailored for your creative Instagram account!

1) Final Pieces

Posting a fully edited, final version of your work is a simple yet effective content idea. This allows you to showcase your best work in a professional light and is ideal for moments when you're uncertain about what to post.

2) Final Pieces in a Lifestyle Setting

Share images of your artwork in lifestyle settings, such as framed on a wall or displayed on a product. This enables your audience to visualize how your art might appear in their homes or on various products.

3) Process Shots

Don't shy away from revealing your creative process. Sharing sketches turning into polished pieces is engaging content, providing your audience with insights into your artistic journey.

4) Studio Shots

Offer a glimpse into your workspace through studio shots. Tidying up your space and capturing a photo can create a deeper connection between you and your followers.

5) Time-Lapse Video

Time-lapse videos are highly engaging. Showcase the evolution of your work, keeping your audience hooked as they anticipate the final result.

6) Voting Between Images

Engage your audience by involving them in your creative process. Ask for their opinions on different aspects of your art, fostering engagement and gaining valuable insights.

7) Show Your Artwork in a Creative Way

Experiment with showcasing your art in unique ways, such as using creative flat lays. Incorporate props and backgrounds that tell a story about you as an artist.

8) Show Yourself

Share glimpses of yourself in your artistic element, allowing your audience to connect with the person behind the art. Make sure to portray yourself in a setting that aligns with your artistic brand.

Incorporating these content ideas into your Instagram strategy can save you time and effort while enhancing your engagement and reach. Remember, authenticity and passion for your craft are key components of successful social media engagement. 

And yes, consistency also is. Believe me, you are not the only person having problems with it. For me it really helps if I have images already created and content ideas crafted in a scheduler like Tailwind. You can post 20 times per month for free. That's a good start already, don't you think? After all if you do not post you are forgotten because - let's face it - social media is a busy world and especially Instagram is. You (and I) are most probably not missed if we don't post for a few days in a row. In contrast, if we post daily or every other day - we might be missed one day if we no longer do it.

If you wanna learn more about marketing as an artist join me in the Safari Lounge for free!

Safari Lounge Designer Classes

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